I have always been interested in Prayer. As a child I grew up knowing set prayers and trying my hardest to say them with feeling. I was frustrated with that approach. As I grew older I knew that God heard my prayers. I felt I could talk to him. I still felt awkward with trying to gain answers. I would throw out the request and hope for the best. In my simple understanding I looked at prayer as something I did, when I had a need and wanted someone else to take care of it.
An old friend (old now after so many years) helped me to look at prayer differently. She helped me see that I was talking to a living being who loved me and cared about me. My prayers gradually changed to include just talking with my Heavenly Father. I was slowly changing the way I lived also.
Over the years in dealing with raising children, seeking guidance in life decisions, dealing with many cancers, etc. I have been profoundly blessed in my prayers with love, compassion, answers, guidance, hope and many other things that can not be simply explained with mere words.
Yesterday I had the opportunity to give a talk at church and I decided it would be about prayer. I figured, I had lots of thoughts on prayer and wouldn't need much preparation time (which was good because I didn't have much time). I have to say that the Lord had other plans. I felt like I learned so much in my preparation and I would like to pursue it a little more here.
In the Guide to the scriptures, it defines prayer as, "A reverent communication with God during which a person gives thanks and asks for blessings...The object of prayer is not to change the will of God, but to secure for ourselves and for others blessings that God is already willing to grant, but that we must ask for in order to obtain."
The object is not to change the will of God, but to secure for ourselves or others the blessings God already has waiting for us. I have found this to be so true. He has so many blessings he would pour down upon us if we would truly be open to them. We are our own worst enemies. I have learned over the years that my greatest purpose in prayer is to take my cares, concerns to Him and ask for His guidance, peace, and will. What does He have for me?
30 He that asketh in the Spirit asketh according to the will of God; wherefore it is done even as he asketh. Doctrine and Covenants 46:30
Thinking about prayer and receiving answers led me to look at revelation. What is Revelation? Again from the Guide to the scriptures: Communication from God to his children on earth...Through revelation, the Lord provides individual guidance for every person who seeks it and who has faith, repents, and is obedient to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Looking at answers to prayers in terms of receiving revelation provides a different perspective to how I look at answers.
When my children were little, I wanted to mow the yard and couldn't seem to find the key to the mower. I was getting pretty frustrated because I just couldn't find it and I really wanted to get that done. I decided to get the help from my children and at the same time, set a good example. We kneeled and asked for help finding the key. After the prayer, I had a thought in my head of where to look. There was the key.
In the grand scheme of things finding the key really wasn't a big deal. There were many concerns and questions that I was praying about at this time. I didn't seem to be getting any answers. Through the answer to the silly key problem the Lord revealed to me something greater - His love. I knew that in that instance he knew me, he knew my concerns (the bigger more important ones) and I knew he was listening. Revelation is bigger than a yes or no answer. It's bigger than finding a key. Revelation changes us. It is personal. It is inside of us. It's not something separate from us that someone does or doesn't do for us.
Doctrine and Covenants 8
2 Yea, behold, I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart.
3 Now, behold, this is the spirit of revelation; behold, this is the spirit by which Moses brought the children of Israel through the Red Sea on dry ground.
Each prayer we offer is an opportunity to receive revelation. To learn what Heavenly Father would have us do. Sometimes it is different than what we originally thought we were praying for. It is greater, it is more. We are more after it.
In Enos verse 4 we read, "And my soul hungered; and I kneeled down before my Maker, and I cried unto him in mighty prayer and supplication for mine own soul; and all the day long did I cry unto him; yea, and when the night came I did still raise my voice high that it reached the heavens."
Enos hungered for understanding of his father's teachings. He prayed all day, all night. He received an answer. And that answer changed him. He came to know the Savior more personally. He was a different man. This is what we do as missionaries. We are inviting them to pray, to come to know the Savior more deeply, to be changed.
May we be open to the Spirit of the Lord. May we be open to the blessings he has waiting for us. He is there. He hears your prayer. He loves you. He knows you.