

Sunday, May 29, 2016

The Week of the Family

Two weeks ago was the International Week of the Family.  Each branch of the church was encouraged to plan activities throughout the week.  We had a cultural/talent show on Friday night.  It was so much fun.  We had lots of dances.  The Relief Society did an Arab dance (I'm hoping that doesn't translate to belly dance :))  We had lots of fun at the practices.  The youth did a couple of folk dances.  Some people sang and our resident musician played the violin.  Mark has a video of the Arabic dance.  

(I'm way in the back)

On Saturday we had all sorts of activities at the Church.  We had relay races, an activity to make a Family Home Evening assignment chart and we played all sorts of games: board games, volleyball and football.  It was supposed to start at 2 p.m.  It didn't really get going until 3:30 but lasted until about 9 p.m.  

The first relay race was blowing flour out of a cup to get to the candy.  Mark did not win.

We had so much fun all afternoon and into the evening.

The young woman in the middle, Susana, with the pink tank top is getting baptized this Saturday.

We finally made it to the beach on our last preparation day.... Mariato

The water made such a cool sound as it would come up over these rocks and go back out.  It was a sort of clicking sound.  It poured before we could get to the other beach.  

Mark and I were able to go to Panama City this past week to the temple.  It is such a beautiful, peaceful place.  There's a Jewish cemetery next to it, so it really is quiet and peaceful.  On the temple grounds there is a chapel for weekly worship.  There is also this building behind Mark which includes a Guest House and store.  The Guest House is beautiful.  They have rooms so that people who are traveling to the temple can stay overnight.  We stayed in one of the rooms and it was beautiful.  There was a queen size bed, little dining table, kitchenette and bathroom with HOT water!  There is a cafeteria on the main floor but it's mostly for people to do their own cooking.  There are gathering places all around.  There is a Family History Center on the main floor also.  We had a great time.

I've mentioned before that it is hard to find addresses, they are more like poor directions, "Behind the school, house #35"  problem- there are a few schools and most of the houses don't have numbers. The way to find people is to get in the general area and start asking if people know the family.  You can go around in circles before success.  We had this experience last week.  We were trying to find members in this one area.  We actually found quite a few.  One woman was so sweet.  She was almost tearful at our coming.  She said she hadn't seen anyone from church for a long time.  As I was standing there with the sweat pouring down my brow, I was humbled by the opportunity I have to bring a word of comfort, a message from Heavenly Father to them.  You never know who is out there praying for something.  The Lord answers prayers through people.  We are the answers to prayers sometimes.  I'm so grateful for a Father in Heaven who hears and answers prayers.  Who loves me, who loves the people I meet.  It is an honor to serve him here in Panama.

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